Conferences, videos, and events

Tech Talks Producer

Video production and editor for the Alexa Skills Kit Tech Talks webinar series.

Amazon Alexa Twitch Channel

Live stream shows on design, webinars, skill building, and robots.

Dev Days (USA)

Taught design writing at free educational events to learn how to build skills.

re:Mars, Las Vegas 2019

Co-hosted workshops on smart city skill designs and a sci-fi game skill.

Voice Summit, Newark, NJ 2019

Taught design workshops on dialog writing, storyboarding, and design documentation for Alexa skills.

re:Invent, Las Vegas 2019

Ran workshops and gave lectures on writing for design and creating your first skill.

Project Voice, Chattanooga 2020

Presented topics on retention in voice and content lifecycle management with Alexa skills.

Convey UX, Seattle 2020

Participated in a discussion panel with other Seattle professionals in voice design.

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Voice Summit: New Jersey

Breaking those flowchart habits one workshop at a time. Had a packed audience of content creators and agencies looking to learn more about how to design great Alexa skills.

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Project Voice: Chattanooga

Talk on retaining customers in voice design, reducing friction, and managing content over the lifetime of your skill.

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re:Invent Las Vegas

Running workshops and teaching about great skill design in this kooky, light up Alexa Echo Dot hat!